Friday, November 9, 2007

Yes, Michigan!

Yes, I am still in the United States. No, I don´t happen to have a great excuse for this, other than the fact that I don´t know when I will be back next. And, of course, there is also the fact that right now, it just feels like where I need to be.

Autumn in Michigan should also be enjoyed at all costs, and I've been endeavoring to do so. This, as it turns out, is much easier to do when you don't have the specter of an Upper Peninsula winter bearing down on you (that is, when you know you won't have to be here through it).
And, of course, one has to enjoy the good, old-fashioned Michiganders who live deep in the woods and post lots of informative signs at their property lines. Reading the signs aloud aids a great deal in comprehending them.

That said, it is sometimes creepy to come across these things in the woods. You quietly take your photos, and move along quickly.

A few more photos at: