Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Other random factoids of the last week or so:

You do not really have to refrigerate eggs. Really.

Erupting volcanoes feel like a cross between a huge thunderstorm and an earthquake.

People here believe that extraterrestrials come to said volcano to draw on its power (images of the UFO’s have even been on the 6 o’clock news).

Cold showers are not always a bad thing.

Quinoa (a high-protein grain) is completely underrated.

People think I am a freak for not having any children yet (this, I already knew, though).

I speak Quichua with a funny accent.

I speak Spanish with a funny accent.

Working with kids, whether in the States or here, will give you a cold almost immediately.

Ecuadorian blood sausage is friggin’ amazing. (Sorry, Mom! I will have to take another stab at our fam´s blood sausage!)

The best brand of olive oil / balsamic vinegar you can find here is called “Snob”. I´m not kidding.

Up until about 2 weeks ago, the best interest rate Ecuadorians could get on short and long term loans from the gov’t was set at about 30%. This was with no prior debt and perfect credit. Rapacious bastards.

I think that Sr. Correa is the best president this country has seen in a long time.

For more pictures from the last few weeks, go to:



christ andronis said...

Mar, are you in need of books (in Spanish of course)? We just had a book drive for our Early Child Learning Center and I can look through and see if there are any available. What grades?

Keep blogging...we're all reading it.....it's kinda like reading the Sunday funnies...only better! Glad you're ok. We love you lots!

tc & r

Anonymous said...

Hell, yes! We always need books! English is fine, too (great, actually), as long as it´s k-6 level.

The trick will be getting them here, though.

Thanks for reading!

Love you!

Un fuerte abrazo desde el hemísfero sureño!


christ andronis said...

I suppose you'll have to scope it on that end to see what the most efficient way is. Does FedEx or DHL come that way? Can I ship it to a PO Box or the Ecuadorian equivalent? Let me know and I'll research it from this end too.


christ andronis said...

BTW....hugs back!!

Anonymous said...

Not really anonymous.....IT'S YOUR MOTHER!!! I haven't heard from you lately. Are you OK? We miss you desperately, but it sounds like everything is going fine. Keep up the good work, sweetie! Learning to wire for electricity is a good skill to have and it's for a heart-warming cause! Still trying to find a place for your friends here....no luck yet. write back!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We love you!!!!!! Massive hugs from all of us. Dad comes home from Seattle/San Diego/LA tonight!
(wasn't enough room on the previous entry for this...sorry!) Guess I should get a google/blogger account...will work on that!