Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Random Tuesday blogging with photos to make it actually seem like something

Not much to report on the Ecuadorian front.

(Beware: some dog material follows)

Lila-Gitana-Duquesa-Little Dog (as her list of names grows) is doing well. While she´s not trying to hug/scratch your arm or nearest appendage, she´s either tearing up the belongings of the neighbors, trying to electrocute herself by chewing on electric cords, or sleeping like a little angel. She is getting really big.

Lila out on the town with me:

Lila endearing herself to her new best friend and co-conspirator, Helen:

Otherwise, there are elections coming up for the Constitutional Assembly. Lots of rhetoric, and almost equal amounts of amazing grafitti and murals. This was in the capital:

I have made a few trips lately up to my friend Carol´s organic (WWoOF) farm. She has a plethora of amazing ideas that will hopefully come in handy at the school. It is sure beautiful up there, even if it is in the "high risk zone".

Making fence posts at the school; this was pre-laceration from saw:

And finally, another trip to church, with the requisite "art shot":

That´s all for now, folks!


Anonymous said...

Ahahaha... I hope you're still ho'ing it up in the garden! Make me proud, Mary! Let me know if, nay, when you'll be in MQT. xxx

Anonymous said...

P.S. And tell Little Dog I love her!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuu
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuu
Happy Birthday dear Maryyyyyyy
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuu

(sung off key by a chorus of disheveled people wanting desperately to be with you on your birthday)

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm a horrible person for not calling you on your special day. But...hope you had a good birfday, caliente mama (oho, see that. I speak your crafty espagnol, too!)!

Mebbe I calls you soon? yesyes? Mebbe I see you soon? yesyes?

Martonia said...

Helen...you should see the (literal) fruits of my ho'ing in the garden. Broccoli the size of your head.

And, Little Dog says back to you: "Grr. Maw. Rer. Wawwaw." (Insert evil gremlin noises here.) She misses you, too.

In protest of your absence, she ate my computer power cable, the hose to my neighbor´s washing machine, and the owner of the house´s 50-year-old felt fedora hat. Lovely, that little beast.

As for the b-day business, aw, shucks. It was a nice day, anyway. And Jo, the cell phone towers were down for most of the day due to rain, so I don´t think you could´ve gotten through. Although, Mom somehow did.
