So, the "Big Mama", as my own Mama calls her, is quiet. We are all knocking on wood here and hoping that la Sra. Mama Tungurahua stays that way for at least a little while.
It has been raining quite a bit and the orchids are happier about it than I am.
Otherwise, things in the school are plodding along. We have had between 3 and 6 volunteers there at any given time in the last few weeks, which is fantastic. We have been painting the outside of the building that houses the kitchen and dining room, and have been trying to fix our water (or lack thereof) "issue". The latter has involved digging lots of holes in unintuitive places, in order to find where the pipe is broken, then repairing the breaks and then finally, digging a new trench to lay a new line along part of the old line. I have been compulsively planting various little things, and ho-ing it up in the garden, to get the beds ready to plant new vegetables.
We also had a cookout up at the school this week, in honor of a volunteer´s birthday.
We grilled hamburgers and generally overate.
The kids had a blast, and camped out overnight up at the school (with supervision).And then one day, I came across this in Pelileo, while on a hike.
It was on the top of the gated entryway to someone´s property.
I have asked several people what it is, exactly, and have gotten several answers.
One said that it was a policeman, another a devil, and another still just laughed and said, "Obviously, it´s a little boy".
I will call him Biki Boy.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Ho-hum and random
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imanalla kashkanki?
i want to be out of stanford, and in ecuador, now! and i don't wanna have to leave once i get there! i am generally tired of academia and ready to be back south. (your photos remind me of how much i miss everything) ...see you soon.
love, elizabeth
hey....where is "teh cute"....who cares about you??
...just're loved too!!! called the one time in 3 weeks when my phone was off. You shouldn't do that, imo. Call when it's on, and I'll answer. Sheesh.
Anyhoo, just figured I'd letcha know that I'm missin' yah, and dad and I are going to Greek Town either tonight or tomorrow, so I'll make sure I'll overeat a lot for you. That was a run-on sentence. Oof.
I think that Biki Boy wins for creepiest property statue ever. Even outdoes the dudes outside of Granote Loma, and those things are creepy as all get-up.
I'll stop rambling all over your blog. You should try calling again! ^_^
Oh! Me again! Forgot to tell you:
I had a ridiculous dream last night. So I was riding around on this weird bike/car thing, and I was going up this rocky mountain, and out of the rocks were all of these orchids. So I was taking pictures of them, and actually nabbed a few thinking "Wow, Mary will dig these." But then they started talking to me, and I was trying to explain to them that you were going to take really good care of them, but they just wouldn't have it, and one of the orchids came up with something that was Emancipation Proclamation like.
It was weird.
That is all.
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