Tuesday, July 10, 2007

P.S. The doggis formerly known as Lila

Gitana is now living in the house I rent the apartment in. Apparently my landlord was looking for a dog. I had no idea.

Everybody wins.

Especially her.

She has gained enough weight where you can´t see each of her ribs anymore. She has been eating mostly kitchen food (dog food is expensive here!) which I think has helped.


Anonymous said...

Are you there????????? Love ya! MOM

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary

I really enjoy your Blog. I had a great time teasing your Dad about his "new dog," but it looks like it has found another home.

"Uncle" Joe

Martonia said...

YES! I AM HERE! Just rearry busy! I have heard of this internet thing, though, which can be used to, for example, call int´l cell phones cheaply. Did you know about it?

Also, I am still a bit mad at you guys about the pictures. Don´t worry, there is video of the whole fiasco.

Uncle "Uncle", the dog in question may very well still see American soil some day. If so, you will likely be getting a couch surfer shortly thereafter. One with a beard. (No, not me.)

Hope you are all well, and will try to post more soon!

christ andronis said...

Hi EcuaChica,

Good to hear you're ok. Just checking in from the urbanity world. Still working on getting those books to you but, as you well know, the wheels of bureaucracy turn verry slowly. I'll keep trying.

Rosey says to tell Gitana "arf". She says Gitana will understand...whatever that means.

Things here are good, the Cubs are winning so i guess there might be a god!!

Love you,

Anonymous said...

The whole "photo" thing was your sister's idea....a "Mihelich" kind of thing, sort of like meeting Keith at the Springs airport with "Billie Bob" teeth! She makes me proud!!! Hope you are having a good time with Helen, she is such a nice person! Pat the puppy for me. I will get on Dad's computer tonight and try to call. Wish me luck!!!! Lova ya, sweetie!

Anonymous said...

Back from Ann Arbor and trying to renew my paypal so I can buy skype credits! sounds like it will take a couple of days, but will keep working on it! Love you lots, sweetie! am thinking of you lots, too! Sorry I/we can't call...need to get this skype credit thing resolved!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Just so you know, I haven't completely forgotten about you. Just with moving and band starting (umm...my arms want to die, p.s.) there's been not much time for sitting and chatting. Mayhaps I'll give you a ring later tonight during our dinner break. For sure tomorrow, though. It's an easy day, and we have a few hours off in the evening. <3!